Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Yesterday I was officially 8 weeks post op.  Finally time to exhale.  I've made it to where my shoulder should heal fine and to what I thought was the beginning of strength training.  But I was wrong.

I went to PT today and was told that now I can begin active range of motion.  (Until now I was doing active assist range of motion, ie. moving my shoulder with a stick or with my other arm.)  Huh?  Only active ROM, not strength training?  But last time I started strength training at 8 weeks.  Oh, but last time my shoulder had been re-injured for four weeks by this point so it didn't matter.  Ah, I get it.  This time I have to do it right.  UGH!!!

My shoulder feels normal.  My ROM is about as 100% as it's gonna get and now I get to do arm twirls.  Awesome!

In the meantime I am wokring on my conditioning.  I took two spin classes last night and another one this morning.  So at least my legs will be ready.  I just may not have the strength to hold onto my bike.

Four weeks till I can ride and five weeks till my first race.  This is going to be interesting....

1 comment:

  1. You'll be back out there tearing up the race course as soon as you get on your bike again. No worries.
