Friday, February 25, 2011


I ran 5.5 miles outside today.  I feel almost human!  My legs are so going to pay for it tomorrow.  I'll be hobbling around the Trek Store at work.  Come and visit me.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

12 Laps = 1 Mile...

on the track at my gym.  That's a short track...he he.

Wednesday I heard back from my doctor's office that I am all clear to run.  Hubby was running late from work that night, so I attempted to run with the kid.  My plan was for him to play outside while I did laps around the house.  We live on 2.5 acres so I could almost call this a workout.  I figured I shouldn't push a jogging stroller on my first run.

Do how did it go?  Uh....

The kid followed me on the first two laps, telling me he was exercising with Mama.  On the third lap I carried him.  And on the last two he rode piggy back.  So yeah, that was my workout.  No pain in my shoulder though, so I can't complain.

Tonight I arrived a little early for spin class so I went up to the track at our gym and attempted to run, minus 35 pound child.  Wow, did I feel light and fast, sprinting past everyone on the silly little track.  And it was so cush, like the track was coated with soft foam, really nice.  Or maybe it was the new shoes I got from Santa that I finally opened.

I ran my first mile in just over seven minutes and had to stop and catch my breath and stretch.  I sprinted the next one, and then ran two more at a more normal pace.  I felt great, no pain in my shoulder, just a slight rub of the Ti washer under my skin.  I will get used to that.

Tomorrow I will attempt to run around the block at home, about 5.5 miles, if I'm not too sore from today.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

All Clear...Soon

I saw the doc today for the last time, I hope.  He said everything looked good and I'm cleared to ride the weekend before my 12 week post op date.  So that makes my first ride date March 5th.  It'll rain, I'm sure!

He also said be careful, take it easy, and don't fall for the first three months.  Okay, sure.

Mentally I am doing better.  I am coming to terms with the fact that I have never been this out of shape in my life.  Remember I started running when I was six and joined my first gym when I was nine.  The doc said it will be three months minimum until I regain all the strengh in my shoulder/arm after being out for over six months.  Makes sense I guess.

But what I've realized I'm really okay with is not winning, not even coming close to winning, and in reality coming in last.  I can imagine the race coordinators and assitants packing up as I cross the finish line.  That's okay.  My real goal is to get back out there and finish, oh and have fun too. 

So now I wait for the Trek Mountain Co-Op Team info.  I made the team again this year.  Woo hoo!  Kits are on their way.  I just need to order a bike.  I don't really want to race a loaner.  But I'm glad I have a back-up plan.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Catching Up

I'm not riding.  The weather is fabulous.  And I have nothing to report.  So here's a video of my son on his Strider.  It's all I've got. 

Oh and hubby took 4rth overall in the clydesdale class in the Winter Series Races.  In the last race, he was only three feet behind the guy that would have put his in third.  Slacker!  And he got lapped by all the girls I race with.  Okay, that's funny.  Now I'm smiling.

Three weeks till I can ride again.  I have a loaner GF X-Calibur lined up in case my bike doesn't come in on time.  I'm ready.

I see the doc tomorrow for my final visit.  I'm going to get a first ride date from him.  Yippie!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Yesterday I was officially 8 weeks post op.  Finally time to exhale.  I've made it to where my shoulder should heal fine and to what I thought was the beginning of strength training.  But I was wrong.

I went to PT today and was told that now I can begin active range of motion.  (Until now I was doing active assist range of motion, ie. moving my shoulder with a stick or with my other arm.)  Huh?  Only active ROM, not strength training?  But last time I started strength training at 8 weeks.  Oh, but last time my shoulder had been re-injured for four weeks by this point so it didn't matter.  Ah, I get it.  This time I have to do it right.  UGH!!!

My shoulder feels normal.  My ROM is about as 100% as it's gonna get and now I get to do arm twirls.  Awesome!

In the meantime I am wokring on my conditioning.  I took two spin classes last night and another one this morning.  So at least my legs will be ready.  I just may not have the strength to hold onto my bike.

Four weeks till I can ride and five weeks till my first race.  This is going to be interesting....

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Finally Feeling It

Double spin classes last night plus a class this morning, then 30 minutes on the bike and legs, and I am feeling it.  I'm also seeing changes in my body.  Finally!  Only five more weeks till I can hit the dirt, with my bike tires, not my body, I hope!