Thursday, February 24, 2011

12 Laps = 1 Mile...

on the track at my gym.  That's a short track...he he.

Wednesday I heard back from my doctor's office that I am all clear to run.  Hubby was running late from work that night, so I attempted to run with the kid.  My plan was for him to play outside while I did laps around the house.  We live on 2.5 acres so I could almost call this a workout.  I figured I shouldn't push a jogging stroller on my first run.

Do how did it go?  Uh....

The kid followed me on the first two laps, telling me he was exercising with Mama.  On the third lap I carried him.  And on the last two he rode piggy back.  So yeah, that was my workout.  No pain in my shoulder though, so I can't complain.

Tonight I arrived a little early for spin class so I went up to the track at our gym and attempted to run, minus 35 pound child.  Wow, did I feel light and fast, sprinting past everyone on the silly little track.  And it was so cush, like the track was coated with soft foam, really nice.  Or maybe it was the new shoes I got from Santa that I finally opened.

I ran my first mile in just over seven minutes and had to stop and catch my breath and stretch.  I sprinted the next one, and then ran two more at a more normal pace.  I felt great, no pain in my shoulder, just a slight rub of the Ti washer under my skin.  I will get used to that.

Tomorrow I will attempt to run around the block at home, about 5.5 miles, if I'm not too sore from today.

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