Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Catching Up

I'm not riding.  The weather is fabulous.  And I have nothing to report.  So here's a video of my son on his Strider.  It's all I've got. 

Oh and hubby took 4rth overall in the clydesdale class in the Winter Series Races.  In the last race, he was only three feet behind the guy that would have put his in third.  Slacker!  And he got lapped by all the girls I race with.  Okay, that's funny.  Now I'm smiling.

Three weeks till I can ride again.  I have a loaner GF X-Calibur lined up in case my bike doesn't come in on time.  I'm ready.

I see the doc tomorrow for my final visit.  I'm going to get a first ride date from him.  Yippie!

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